About us
We are a center for social research, the design of psychosocial and self-training programs based on man’s gregarious behavior and his vision of being and growing. We open the window to learning and intellectual enrichment through various training and certifications giving the opportunity for professional and personal development in the face-to-face, semi-face and online modalities.
The fundamental purposes of PCRC have been oriented towards research and the generation of knowledge that explain the development and perspectives of the human being; Also, we have sought to contribute to the solution of the problems facing today’s society. Research at PCRC is a fundamental task.
Academics carry out teaching and extension derived from research. The academic work is organized in 5 research areas and 5 support programs. The Educational Services that we offer in the PCRC are the direct mechanism of relationship with the community and other institutions. They reach the community using the courses, WORKSHOPS, CONFERENCES, CERTIFICATIONS taught online and in person.